Live and Work at Earthaven
Live and Work at Earthaven positions are by arrangement with various hosts—Earthaven members who are working on their site development, buildings, businesses, or gardens. Positions are arranged privately between you and the host (at this time, Earthaven does not have positions sponsored by the community). We also sometimes have rentals available that involve less work and more money. Workers and renters are part of Earthaven’s New Roots program, which includes orientations, check-ins, and other activities for support and accountability.
Earthaven members expect a lot of themselves and they expect a lot of you too. Earthaven is a working, building, living environment, and most of the work is hard, physical labor outdoors—digging, hauling, building. Learning by doing (work study), in a service role, is very different from today’s formal education. Like many hands-on experiences, you may not realize what you have learned and the value of your experience until months or years later!
A standard position at Earthaven is 24 hours a week: 20 hours a week in exchange for hosting, food, and camping, plus 4 hours a week for Earthaven. There are, however, a wide variety of arrangements, depending on what the host expects and offers. See below for positions that may be currently available. If you are interested in one of these opportunities, please contact the host directly.

Butterfly House Carpentry, Permaculture, and Community Work Exchange
Dates: Begins April 2025
I (Zev Friedman) am seeking a relationally attuned person with carpentry skills and some permaculture systems experience and mutual aid cultural orientation, for a 2-6 month, 20-hr/week work-exchange at 23-year-old naturally built house and integrated 2/3 acre permaculture system. More information.
Contact: Zev at .
Hours: 20 hours/week for Butterfly House plus 4 hours/week for Earthaven
Costs: Food and Earthaven fees are covered.
You Receive: You bring tent, stay on large sheltered wooden platform, and have use of wifi, electricity, and neighborhood bathhouse.

Suncatcher Work Exchange
Dates: Not taking new applications at this time.
Suncatcher neighborhood is home to the Hobbit House, built with seven vernacular construction methods from Rod Rylander's 50 years of experience. We’ll make repairs and upgrades to the Hobbit House and plant gardens in Spring. Seeking responsible, happy, self-managed folks who love to learn and share skills, work hard, and cooperate.
Contact: Amy at
Hours: 20 hours/week for Suncatcher and 4 hours/week for Earthaven.
Costs: Suncatcher fees: $50/month. Earthaven fees are $35/month, plus $15/month per vehicle, plus a $25 one-time administrative fee.
You Receive: A space to sleep (tent, trailer, or room in house), use of outdoor kitchen and outdoor shower, experience in intentional community living, and hands-on education.

Wheelhouse Collective Work Exchange
Dates: Available now.
Seeking work exchangers who share our vision of collective, permaculture-based living, and are excited to live, learn, and work with kindred spirits. Ideal candidates are willing and able to share cooking, cleaning, and outdoor work (e.g. firewood, gardening, help with carpentry). 2-Month Minimum. Poison ivy, snakes, and insects present.
Contact: Deborah at .
Hours: 15 hours/week for Wheelhouse plus 4 hours/week for Earthaven.
Costs: $150/mo maintenance; $200/mo food; and one-time deposit of $200. Earthaven fees are $35/month, plus $15/month per vehicle, plus a $25 one-time administrative fee.
You Receive: A small private room, shared phone, internet, family rooms, office, kitchen, gardens, shower, outdoor toilet.