Earthaven is an aspiring ecovillage in a mountain forest setting near Asheville, North Carolina.
We are dedicated to caring for people and the Earth by learning, living, and demonstrating a holistic, sustainable culture.
The best ways to get to know Earthaven are to:
- Take an In-person Tour or a Virtual Tour
- Participate in a Class
- Experience a Customized Education Program
- Listen to our free Podcast
- Join the Friends of Earthaven Ecovillage
About Us:
Since 1995, we have grown to about 75 adult members and residents, from twenty-somethings to elders, plus about 25 children, infants through teens. We hope to grow to 150 people. We are building homes in 14 neighborhoods and developing on-site businesses as part of our own village‑scale economy.
Our Mission & Vision:
To create a village which is a living laboratory and educational seed bank for a sustainable human future. In the midst of planetary change the Earthaven experiment helps inform and inspire a global flowering of bio-regionally appropriate cultures.
“Earthaven is where the human community is bonding with the Earth in a manner capable of healing the devastation of the past and inspiring a new grandeur for the future. At Earthaven, even for a brief while, we experience what it is to return to ourselves.”
–Thomas Berry
author of The Dream of the Earth.
In-Person Tours at Earthaven Ecovillage
In-person tours are on Saturdays at 10:00 a.m. Reservations Required.
August 10 & 24; September 7, 14 & 21
October 5, 12 & 26; November 2, 9 & 23; December 7 & 14