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A living laboratory for a sustainable human future.

Mission & Goals

Mission and Vision

To create a village which is a living laboratory and educational seed bank for a sustainable human future. In the midst of planetary change the Earthaven experiment helps inform and inspire a global flowering of bio-regionally appropriate cultures.


Goal 1: To catalyze local and global change through learning, teaching, and networking.

Goal 2: To shift from wasteful to regenerative use of resources.

Goal 3: To develop and support a thriving local economy.

Goal 4: To grow, raise, trade, and use our own food, fiber, medicines, and forestry products in an ecologically regenerative, bioregional culture and network.

Goal 5: To tend the land in a way that optimizes for diverse ecosystem health, food and resource production, and soil and water quality.

Goal 6: To practice fair, participatory, and effective self-governance.

Goal 7: To encourage diverse spiritual practices and awareness of our interconnection with all beings. 

Goal 8: To work towards partnership culture, towards racial and gender equity, and against oppression in all its forms. [See our Statement of Transparency]

Goal 9: To nurture personal growth, interpersonal understanding, and mutual trust, as the foundation for a deeply connected human community.

Goal 10: To practice healthy, holistic lifestyles that balance self-care with care for others.

Goal 11: To create a culture of celebration, beauty, and pleasure. 

Goal 12: To attract, cultivate, and inspire residents and members whose presence contributes to vitality and functionality in our community.

Goal 13: We recognize elders as the trunk and children as the fruit of our village tree, and collectively prioritize what all parts of our “tree” need to thrive.