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Tag: Full Circle Farm

Sweet Potatoes, Turmeric, Ginger, and more in the Spring Greenhouse at Earthaven Ecovillage

Transcript from Video: Courtney Brooke:  Who have we got here? Sweet potatoes. Hello different kind of sweet potatoes! Hello another kind of sweet potatoes. We must love sweet potatoes! Oh and what is this? sweet potatoes. What is this? Saawwwwheat potato, sweet potato, sweet potato, sweet potato,...

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Grating Black Turmeric from our neighbors at Earthaven Ecovillage

Transcript from Video: Courtney Brooke: Good morning, Zev. Zev:  Good morning. Courtney Brooke: What are you doing? Zev: I am grating this incredible black turmeric grown by Leon with his mad, passionate devotion to beautiful food and medicine plants at Full Circle Far next to Earthaven Ecovillage. Courtney...

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The Spring Greenhouse at Earthaven Ecovillage: Our Hope for the Summer

Transcription of The Spring Greenhouse at Earthaven Ecovillage: Our Hope for the Summer Courtney Brooke: Here we are in the greenhouse at Full Circle Farm at Earthaven Ecovillage in the early spring. Here it’s raining, it’s kind of cold outside and here is what we’ve...

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Neighbor Profile: Leon Birstein and Geni Stephenson, of Full Circle Family Farm

Just outside Earthaven’s main entrance lies the homestead farm of Geni Stephenson and Leon Birstein. Like many of our neighbors, Geni and Leon used to be Earthaven members. They lived at Earthaven in the early days, helping to carve out a space in the forest. They helped build some of the very first...

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