Village News
Earthaven Hosts Two Notable Luminaries
Matthew Fox visited Earthaven October 17, when he filmed interviews with some of our elders and young people for an upcoming video about “Youth, Elders, and Spirituality.” While visiting, he held a discussion with the community. Matthew Fox is an internationally known author, speaker and visionary who has inspired many Earthaven people. Matthew Fox Website.
Dominic Barter visited Earthaven on November 25 and led a presentation about Restorative Circles, a process he developed in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro, where he has lived for the last twenty years. A Restorative Circle is a community process for bringing together the three parties to a conflict—those who acted, those directly affected, and the wider community. The process ends “when all have been heard and understood, and actions have been found that bring mutual benefit.” Restorative Circles Website.
Earthaven Builders Complete Projects
ArtiSun Construction, led by Brian Love, finished the Friedwald residence. According to Henderson County building inspectors, this house is the first entirely off-grid, certified residence in their jurisdiction.
Round Mountain Builders, led by Mihaly Bartalos, completed Rudy Ballentine’s house in the Middle Rosy Branch neighborhood of Earthaven. This and the ArtiSun project both feature Earthaven lumber, and innovative techniques devised by our member-builders. They also employed many Earthaven residents and neighbors.
Brian Love, Dominic Barter, Friedwald, Matthew Fox, restorative circles, Rudy Ballentine, spirituality