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Tag: Diana Leafe Christian

Thank You, Transition Towns!

By Diana Leafe Christian, Earthaven Airspinner Some of my friends in Ashland, Oregon celebrating their town’s Transition Initiative with a parade and floats!           The way I see it, Transition Towns (now called Transition Initiatives) are doing exactly what Ecovillage activists...

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On “Structural Conflict”: An Interview with Diana Leafe Christian

By Alice Henry “In communities plagued with conflict, of course plain old interpersonal conflict is often going on. But the group is usually also experiencing what I call ‘structural conflict.’  This is where certain important ‘structures’ are missing. This alone can...

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News notes – Summer 2009

We had a wonderful forum workshop with Achim and Ina from ZEGG community in Germany. We’ve been using the forum process for a few years and it was great to have some refresher training! Suchi, Kimchi, and Gaspar have been facilitating forum at Earthaven for the past couple years.  Arjuna, Debbie,...

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