News from the Village – A Recent Visit from Michael Dowd
Evolutionary evangelist and author Rev. Michael Dowd visited Earthaven recently on a Southeastern tour. In presentations on May 18 and 19 he provided important input on two of the most critical issues facing us as an ecovillage:
- How do we deal with our inner and interpersonal realities
so we can live in proximity and interdependence when many of our instincts evolved strongly against that?
- How can we move forward in creating a shared cosmological and spiritual foundation so our life together can have more creativity, unity and fulfillment of purpose?
“It was great having my long-time dear friend Ecozoic co-conspirator with us for two lively presentations,” said Earthaven Firekeeper Steve Torma.
For more information about Michael Dowd, see his website: http://thankgodforevolution.com/.
evangelist, evolutionary, Michael Dowd, spiritual, tour