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A living laboratory for a sustainable human future.

Building progress at Earthaven

Folks often wonder why Earthaven members haven’t yet made significant inroads into food production for ourselves. Sure, some ardent and enthusiastic gardeners have created small kitchen gardens, there are perennials beginning to reach peak performance (it was a bumper year for blueberries!), and several members have managed to eek out production in a crop or two over the last few years, but in the main we are all still majorly focused on clearing forest and learning how to design and build housing. So, whereas our agricultural fields are still in the most elementary stages of development, our housing accomplishments are showing a diversity of vision and style, as demonstrated in the following structures. Perched back from Another Way, in the Main Street neighborhood, Holly, Shawn and kids Rose and Eli moved into this 1400 sq. ft. state-of-the-art green home last year. There are three second-floor bedrooms in this earthy haven, a fabulous bathroom with double size tub and chute-type composting toilet, and a spacious first floor. Landscaping and small animal husbandry are some of the exciting next steps the Baumgartner-Swartzes are planning to take.

Earthaven Admin Team

agricultural, blueberries, composting toilet, Holly, Main Street, Shawn

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