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A living laboratory for a sustainable human future.

Village Kids Are Alive With Curiosity

The kids at Earthaven know way more local plants than they do corporate logos. I consider this a great success. In fact, when I bring friends to visit Earthaven Ecovillage, they’re always amazed at how present, enlivened, and curious the children are. Children at Earthaven are woven into the...

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Eating Bamboo Shoots with Esme at Earthaven Ecovillage

Transcript from video: Eme: Taking video of me peeling my bamboo shoots? Courtney Brooke: Yeah what are you doing Esme? Esme: Peeling a bamboo shoot! Courtney Brooke: What are you gonna do with that bamboo shoot? Esme: Eat it! Courtney Brooke: What? You can eat bamboo shoots? Esme: Yes! Courtney...

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An Eye Toward Food Security

  As COVID-19 continues to distort our once-familiar realities, many people—residents of Earthaven included—are asking questions about systemic uncertainty. Food security is, quite naturally, at the top of many folks’ lists. Check out some of the initiatives taking place in and around Earthaven...

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Why I Bother to Farm at Earthaven, Part Two: A Collaborative Farming Manifesto

Written by: by Zev Friedman        Now in its 24th year, I believe that Earthaven is in a stage of cultural succession in which collaborative farming has more of a role to play than in the early years. The pioneer effort of Earthaven’s first two decades created both the literal and...

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Food People: We are what, how and from where we eat!

For the living, food is a master course in survival and well-being. Our community members strive to learn how to grow and prepare soil to cultivate vibrant, nourishing plants and animals, demonstrate a healthy balance between work, relaxation and celebration, and continue to develop a cooperative...

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Pioneering and Succession

Written by: Zev Friedman “The pioneer effort that founded Earthaven created both literal and cultural topsoil, which is now capable of supporting not only plants but the human systems it takes to successfully grow food.”   I’ve heard early members of Earthaven frequently remark that this ecovillage...

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Processing pawpaws: Looking forward and looking back

    I first learned about pawpaws from Chuck Marsh. He was an enthusiastic advocate of new and under-appreciated fruit. When I became a partner in the nursery in 2010 we gathered and planted selected pawpaw varieties everywhere—his yard, at the nursery, and in Geoffrey’s and my orchard....

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Hurricane Helene has impacted Earthaven severely:

Roads, bridges, hydro systems, and homes sustained heavy damaged. We are all uninjured and involved in recovery work. Please support our recovery by donating here or through our GoFundMe.