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A living laboratory for a sustainable human future.

News Notes – Winter 2009

Greetings from Earthaven Ecovillage! All of the leaves are off the trees and we just had our first really frosty morning – unusually late for our area!
          In October we had a wonderful Village Harvest Festival, featuring local crafts and food, tours and musicians. The weather was beautiful and we enjoyed meeting folks who came from out of town to enjoy the Sunday afternoon. Look for next year’s Village Harvest Festival in mid-September.
          In November, the Useful Plants Nursery hosted a fall sale and Plant Jam. This was the first UPN event hosted at Earthaven and many people came out to see the nursery, hear local speakers, and take home some useful plants!
          In addition to the nursery, Yellowroot farm sold pork, Hawk Hollar farm sold jam and dilly beans, and River Otter sold herbal medicines.
          In December Earthaven hosted a tour from the Carolina Farm Stewardship Association (CFSA) annual conference in Black Mountain. Here they are hearing about Yellowroot farm from Julie McMahan and Andy Bosley.
          Culture’s Edge is planning several workshops for the summer of 2010, including a forest garden workshop in May, a permaculture fundamentals course in June, and natural building courses later in the summer. Watch for a schedule in early 2010.

Join us Saturday, December 12, 10-6 for the Bizarre Bazaar. We’ll have supervised craft making for children of all ages (dry felting, holiday decorations, snowflakes, etc) and a snack and drink table – have some/leavesome. Bring a musical instrument and make a joyful noise. Vendor tables available by donation and reservation. Call 828-669-2073 to reserve a table or for more information.

Debbie Lienhart

Debbie Lienhart has been an Earthaven Ecovillage member since 2008 and is a Director of Earthaven's School of Integrated Living.

bizarre bazaar, conference, herbal, plant jam, useful plants nursery, village harvest festival, workshops, Yellowroot Farm


Debbie Lienhart has been an Earthaven Ecovillage member since 2008 and is a Director of Earthaven's School of Integrated Living.

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Hurricane Helene has impacted Earthaven severely:

Roads, bridges, hydro systems, and homes sustained heavy damaged. We are all uninjured and involved in recovery work. Please support our recovery by donating here or through our GoFundMe.