Flying Dragon or Trifoliate Orange at Useful Plants Nursery at Earthaven Ecovillage
Transcript of Flying Dragon or Trifoliate Orange at Useful Plants Nursery at Earthaven Ecovillage
Courtney Brooke: Hi Lyndon, here at Useful Plants Nursery at Earthaven Ecovillage. Can you tell us about what is that pokey thing?
Lyndon: This is a flying dragon, it’s a citrus it’s like kind of lemony little fruit.
Courtney Brooke: Flying Dragon?
Lyndon: It’s kind of stickery you got to watch it. It can it can take you over.
Courtney Brooke: Does it have another name? uh yes um trifoliate orange.
Lyndon: Yes yeah trifoliate orange. They call them flying dragons a lot when they really start doing this curly thing like they’re dragony, like they’re going to take you over. Growl, Growl, Growl. Woah.
Courtney Brooke: This is a citrus; that’s it’s a hearty citrus that makes fruits about that big and they’re really flavorful and they they grow here in the southeast Appalachia really well. We love them.
Each tiny fruit has about 2,000 seeds in them. No I’m just kidding. But there are a lot of seeds in it.
Lyndon: The other one we carry, the citrus that’s hardy, is the Yuzu.
Courtney Brooke: Yuzu?
Lyndon: Yep. And that’s a similar kind of citrus. They are used for, one guy came here and bought like 10 of those he took him back to charlotte and planted them. He was going to sell the fruit to restaurants that they use not for garnish, but for like when you have a little citrusy thing that you i think put on a beer or something like that.
Courtney Brooke: Oh yeah, like on the side of the cup?
Lyndon: Something like that. yeah. Wow. That’s what he told me he was doing with them. He was all excited to find the Yuzu’s.
Courtney Brooke: Wow. Well there you have it here we are at useful plants nursery in the early spring getting ready for organic growers school.
Lyndon: Live long and prosper.
Courtney Brooke: Thank you so much Lyndon.
Citrus, Flying Dragon, Lydon, Nursery, Trifoliate Orange, Useful Plants