Steve Torma ~ Keeper of the Flame
“My whole life has been leading toward me doing this role.”
Steve Torma is guiding Earthaven through the awkward teen years as Earthaven’s FireKeeper. As FireKeeper, Steve seeks to honor and value the community history while accepting change and valuing transformation.
Steve has a strong appreciation for “the value of the group mind and synergy of the collective intelligence.” As FireKeeper, he is the leader of the FireKeeper Orbo, which is responsible for the overall well-being of the community, including peace, safety, spirit, and community process, and he is also the President of the homeowner’s association. He is supported in this role by his co-FireKeeper, Kimchi Rylander, and a committee of FireTenders.
See the full blog entry.
Steve offers classes and consulting through the REAL Center.
firekeeper, Kimchi Rylander, orbo, Steve Torma, The REAL Center