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Tag: Chris Farmer

Hut Hamlet Solar Microgrid Installed!

by Chris Farmer with Arjuna da Silva   The Hut Hamlet’s kitchen/bathhouse — central distribution area for the neighborhood’s Microgrid.   In June, twenty-two residents of the Hut Hamlet neighborhood became owner/users of the first electric Microgrid at Earthaven! Chris Farmer...

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Hut Hamlet Installs New Electric MicroGrid by Chris Farmer

by Chris Farmer Brandon and Farmer with the microgrid solar panels In June, residents of the Hut Hamlet became owners/users of the first electric microgrid at Earthaven! Chris Farmer designed the grid with help from Brandon Greenstein. Code for mastering, monitoring and metering usage was written...

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VT Gets a Solar Upgrade

by Bob Lienhart Village Terraces Cohousing Neighborhood just completed a multi-faceted upgrade to their power, heating, and domestic hot water (DHW) systems and the neighborhood is now enjoying the results. Domestic hot water for the main building had been provided by a wood-burning stove. The system...

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Orientation: Permaculture and Land Use at Earthaven…and More!

by Arjuna da Silva We’ve known for quite a few years that new members coming into Earthaven needed a lot more coaching about our history, plans, policies and practices than they were able to get through the normal course of a Provisional Membership. We’ve required and offered trainings in Consensus...

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Natural building profile: Pokeberry

(Talk by Chris Farmer to a visitors’ tour, describing the upstairs of the new building at Village Terraces) Chris Farmer and Brian Love are the two main builders of Pokeberry Hill, a two story dwelling built using ecological principles. Farmer started by noting that many innovative building techniques...

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New Buildings Sprout Up in Spring

In April a site blessing ceremony was held for the new duplex apartment, “Pokeberry Hill,” going up at Village Terraces. The 26 ft. x 40 ft. building is being built with lumber milled from trees felled on the land. The ground floor apartment will be the home of new Earthaven and Village...

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Agriculture is Blooming!

In March, two lambs were born to Carla, the ewe who shares the Imani Field pasture with Bridget, the two-year-old Dexter cow, and flocks of Muscovy ducks and Rhode Island Red chickens. Imani Field managers Lee Warren and Mihaly Bartalos are leasing the quarter-acre field just downhill from their Village...

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Gateway: Solutions in the Face of Insufficiency

by Ivy Lynn The bright, creative thinking and dedicated, diligent work of Chris Farmer and Brian Love are the stuff of future Earthaven legends. Folks are always wanting to know what amazing things they’ve been up to. Considering their plan for Gateway Field, we will probably not be disappointed,...

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The time has finally come for Sweat Equity at Earthaven

By Ivy Lynn Over the years Earthaven has tried to prioritize agriculture, and to provide ways for skilled folks to be able to be at Earthaven even if they hadn’t amassed savings. First site option 3 was created. It allowed a few people to be here, but it just delayed their inevitable need to...

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