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Tag: Consensus

Earthaven’s New Decision-Making Method

Because increasing numbers of members over the last several years have been dissatisfied with our consensus decision-making method, in October 2012 Earthaven agreed to modify its consensus process. For 18 years we used consensus-with-unanimity, which requires 100% agreement (not counting stand-asides)...

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Busting the Myth That Consensus-with-Unanimity is Good for Communities

by Diana Leafe Christian Many consensus trainers tell us consensus-with-unanimity is good for communities. It creates a sense of trust and connection, a sense of harmony, they say, since everyone’s agreement is first required to pass a proposal. Though I believed this for years, I no longer do. I...

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Learning Consensus at Earthaven

by Diana Leafe Christian   “This is harder than I thought!” exclaimed Ohbeeb. She was in front of the room practicing facilitating a meeting. She was saying, “Excuse me; would you like to get on the stack?” to another participant who was having fun pretending to be mildly disruptive. It was our...

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On “Structural Conflict”: An Interview with Diana Leafe Christian

By Alice Henry “In communities plagued with conflict, of course plain old interpersonal conflict is often going on. But the group is usually also experiencing what I call ‘structural conflict.’  This is where certain important ‘structures’ are missing. This alone can...

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Hurricane Helene has impacted Earthaven:

Roads, bridges, hydro systems, and a residence sustained heavy damage. We are all uninjured and involved in recovery work. Please support our recovery by donating here or through our GoFundMe.