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Overcome the Stress of Sitting

by Nick Nicholson

When I was a youth, I noticed how some people tilted when they walked. Not the natural way that our spines curve forward and backward, so that our vertebral disks do not compress, but the tilt that happens when one side of the body stretches muscles to balance the other side.

I now refer to this as upper cross or lower cross syndrome. It is one of the first signs of fascia and muscle stress.

The normal desk sitter will build up this fascia and muscle stress and the cross syndromes indicate that fascia is becoming bundled up. Stretching out every hour for a few minutes helps the body reverse the damages caused from sitting.

Simple tricks:

      • Rolling on an exercise ball
      • Deep breathing
      • Twisting while exhaling
      • Tennis balls in a sock along the spine
      • Tai Chi and Chi Gung
      • Relaxing the body

You can easily and successfully venture into a greater life potential with just a simple awareness of how the body sits, stands, and moves. And remember that stretching really can cure much body stress. Enjoy your healthy vibrancy!



Nick Nicholson was born in 1985 in Tallahassee Florida. At the age of 25 he moved to Gainesville to study massage. He now a lives near Earthaven Ecovillage. Nick has one child named Adia, 8, and a wife named Edwina. He continues to practice and teach massage.

Earthaven Admin Team

exercise, fascia, muscle, sitting, spine, stretching

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