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A living laboratory for a sustainable human future.

Creating Culture and Community Through Ritual with Kaitlin Ilya Wolf

Earthaven Ecovillage Podcast Creating Culture and Community Though Ritual with Kaitlin Ilya Wolf Broadcast July 3, 2022Featuring: Kaitlin Ilya Wolf and Sara Carter In this podcast, Kaitlin Ilya Wolf discusses how creating a cycle of annual seasonal rituals helps Earthaven ecovillagers sink into...

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Is Place Important? – Virtual Tour

Back in the winter, I attended my friend Lee Warren’s workshop on “Place-Based Living at Earthaven Ecovillage.” She talked at length about place. Specifically, she suggested that “we are cosmological orphans” in part because we aren’t connected to place. I’ve been sitting with that concept....

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What is Earthaven? Here are some perspectives…

Transcript of What is Earthaven? Hi. I’m Dimitri. Hi. I’m NikkiAnne. I’m Paul. I’m Courtney Brooke. And we’re at Earthaven EcoVillage. Where we are trying to answer the question, What is Earthaven? And the simple answer is we’re this ecovillage that’s in Southern...

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Meet My Friend Steve

Have you ever met one of those people that lives for the good of the whole? Someone that does everything with the collective in mind? It’s actually very rare. And I can only think of a couple of people in my life that fit this description. And for sure, that’s my friend Steve Torma.For his...

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Village Kids Are Alive With Curiosity

The kids at Earthaven know way more local plants than they do corporate logos. I consider this a great success. In fact, when I bring friends to visit Earthaven Ecovillage, they’re always amazed at how present, enlivened, and curious the children are. Children at Earthaven are woven into the...

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Spend A Week At My Place

We will play, we will tour, we will work, we will talk, we will learn, we will connect, we will grow. If you’ve been thinking of visiting or moving or emulating or experiencing Earthaven Ecovillage, now is your chance. You will experience many aspects of our imperfect but valiant attempts...

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Can We Tell The Truth About Our World?

Maybe you’re a sensitive soul, like me. Or a deep thinking one. For folks like us, telling the truth about our world, like how its tendencies towards extractive, consumptive, and irreverent behaviors can be disheartening, actually brings some relief. Congruence between words and actions actually...

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Blood of Life Song with Kaitlin at Earthaven Ecovillage

(Transcript from video) Kaitlin: I give away my blood of life to all my relations and I open my womb with delight. I give away my blood of life to all my relations and I open my womb with delight. I give away, give away, give away, give away I open my womb with delight. I give away my blood of life...

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Hurricane Helene has impacted Earthaven severely:

Roads, bridges, hydro systems, and homes sustained heavy damaged. We are all uninjured and involved in recovery work. Please support our recovery by donating here or through our GoFundMe.