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A living laboratory for a sustainable human future.

Goodbye Will

by Arjuna da Silva

A young man appeared at Earthaven almost two years ago with a kind of golden aura around him. He came with excitement about us and what we’re doing, and with a fair amount of excitement about his own life and experiences. Some of us may have thought he would stay a short while to add to his itinerary of hip experiences, but he surprised those folks not only by staying but by getting deeply into the matrix of our community culture, connecting in his healer-documentarian way with folks all over the land, on any side of an argument, old or young. He flowed into so many corners of the community, and now it’s hard to say goodbye.

Will Rogers is leaving us and we hate to see him go. Of course we wish him the best in life—nourishing relations, eye-opening opportunities, the ability to continue to share his multiple gifts—but you can bet that a lot of us will be hoping those adventures pale in the light of his memory of Earthaven and that in the not-too-distant future he’ll return.

Will got around to helping with so many community and individual projects, learned the permaculture plant business, split cords of wood for his neighbors, recorded memorable events for community archives, wondered along with long-time members about how to solve tough problems…. We love you Will! There will always be a place for you at our table!


Arjuna da Silva helped start Earthaven, and finally lives in her earth-and-straw home. She’s currently working on a musical about life in the ecovillage, continuing to develop understanding and hopefully some skill re group process, and looks forward to setting aside all these wonderful things and writing a book about it all.

Earthaven Admin Team

gifts, projects, Will Rogers

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Hurricane Helene has impacted Earthaven severely:

Roads, bridges, hydro systems, and homes sustained heavy damaged. We are all uninjured and involved in recovery work. Please support our recovery by donating here or through our GoFundMe.