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A living laboratory for a sustainable human future.

The Snake Catcher

Black snakes love eggs. Martha became a snake catcher when one-too-many a black snake coiled itself around a nest of hard-won chicken eggs at Imani Farm, where Martha manages the chicken operation.

Chicken and songbird eggs alike are safe wherever Martha may roam. Martha relocates the snakes without harming them.

Martha with a snake as tall as she is.


Look at the wing-span of that snake!


Rubber gloves in case she gets bit.


Introducing baby Oakley to a recently-caught black snake.


Lest potential visitors are scared away by visions of black snakes, never fear. Black snakes are non-venomous hunters of both rodents and poisonous snakes. We enjoy having them around….except when they eat our eggs.

Thanks to Tessa Hovan-Bartalos & Lee Warren for the photos.

Earthaven Admin Team

chicken, eggs, Imani farm, Martha Harris, snake

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